Picture Perfect Learning Center

Picture Perfect Learning Center is dedicated to bringing clarity to the confusion.
To assist “Picture Thinkers” to harness their full potential obtaining a gratifying
and productive lifestyle – in all circumstances.
Transform the concept of learning (dis)ABILITIES to save future generations from suffering and stigma.

Davis Autism Approach® and Davis Concepts for Life® Facilitator
Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If?" Parent Course Facilitator
Nourishing Neurodiversity Parent Support Facilitator
Finding Hope in the Journey: Nadine’s Story
In January 2018, my life took a transformative turn when I completed my Davis Dyslexia Correction program®. Growing up, I faced the challenges of undiagnosed ADHD and dyslexia. In the 1970s, getting a diagnosis wasn’t easy, and I often felt lost in a school system that didn’t accommodate my unique learning style. I was the young student who couldn’t “sit still, pay attention, or follow simple rules,” always feeling like I was just a step behind everyone else.
As I grew older, I became a busy multi-tasker, struggling with daily tasks that seemed easier for others. My ‘normal’ was a constant challenge, and like many others, I navigated a school system that wasn’t designed for students with different learning needs. Learning and exploring in my own way left me feeling like an outsider, separate from my peers.
Fast forward to 2017, when I was accepted into the Thanatology program at King’s University College in London, Ontario. Even as an adult, understanding that I had ADHD and dyslexia didn’t make it any easier. I still faced the same academic struggles and emotional hurdles. That’s when I found “The Gift of Dyslexia” by Ron Davis, which offered me a new perspective and a glimmer of hope.
Taking that hope, I enrolled in the Davis Dyslexia Correction program®, where I spent 30 hours with my incredible facilitator, Tracy. It was more than just a program—it was a turning point. For the first time, I could read aloud confidently, understand what I was reading, and even recite the alphabet forwards and backwards! But more than that, I finally felt in control of my learning.
This experience didn’t just help me academically; it changed how I saw myself. I no longer viewed my ADHD and dyslexia as burdens. Instead, I began to see them as gifts—traits that made me uniquely capable and resilient.
Now, as a Licensed Davis® Dyslexia Correction Facilitator, Davis Autism Approach® Facilitator, Davis Concepts for Life® Facilitator, and a "Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If?" Parent Course Facilitator, as well as a Nourishing Neurodiversity Parent Support Facilitator, it’s my mission to share that hope with others.
I know how frustrating and isolating it can feel to struggle with learning differences. That’s why I founded Picture Perfect Learning Solutions—to help others find the tools, confidence, and support they need to thrive. My goal is to ensure that no one has to feel like an outsider just because they learn differently.
If you or someone you love is struggling, please know that there is hope. I’m always here to share my story, listen to yours, and help guide you toward a brighter path.
Let’s find the strengths in your challenges together.
Want to learn more about dyslexia and neurodiversity?
Click below to start your journey.